App Statistics

Revenue, usage and download statistics for the most popular apps and games

App Category Revenue ($M) Users (M) Launch Date
WeChat WeChat Messaging, Social 16433 1331 January, 2011
Twitter Twitter Social 5077 206 March, 2006
TikTok TikTok Social, Video 16130 1587 September, 2016
Threads Threads Social 0 130 July, 2023
Snapchat Snapchat Messaging, Social 4606 414 July, 2011
reddit reddit Social 810 850 June, 2005
Pinterest Pinterest Shopping, Social 3055 465 March, 2010
LinkedIn LinkedIn Social 15760 990 May, 2003
Instagram Instagram Social 60377 2385 October, 2010
Gas Gas Social 3 1 September, 2022
Facebook Facebook Social 134912 3033 February, 2004
BeReal BeReal Social 0 21.6 December, 2019

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