Eran is Singular’s co-founder and chief technology officer. Eran has an extensive background in building and scaling core technology infrastructures, leading innovation, technology, and core product development. In May 2019, Eran was recognized by Juniper Research as one of ‘Digital Advertising’s Movers and Shakers’ in a report on digital advertising, fraud, and AI.

In your own words, what’s your role in the app business right now?

My role in the app business is to consult and serve our customer base on how to future-proof their growth with adaptive user acquisition strategies and next-gen attribution. The team at Singular and I aim to help transform our customers’ disparate data sources into a single source of truth for marketing performance, enabling them to scale their growth with data-driven decision-making.

How did you end up working in apps? / get started?

Before Singular, I was the Head of Engineering at Onavo, acquired by Facebook in 2013, where I played a significant role in developing one of the most well-respected engineering teams.

What are you most excited about in apps right now? (tech, trends, people, verticals)

Two things that come to mind are how marketers can adapt to all the privacy shifts, whether SKAdNetwork or Android Privacy Sandbox – finding that balance between respecting consumer privacy while allowing marketers to understand which messages and campaigns resonate with their target audience. The second would be AI technology, particularly generative AI and its role in improving app development, user experience, and the overall growth trajectory of an app.

What other companies in the app space do you rate/ inspire you and why?

I’m inspired by the many entrepreneurs who start new apps from scratch and build amazing consumer businesses all the time.

What do you like most about working in apps?

The app space is ever-evolving, and it’s impossible to get bored. There’s always something new to dig into and learn. Whether navigating privacy shifts, regulations, changing consumer behavior, and much more. There’s never a dull day!

What one thing would you change about the app industry / market?

I think there’s a lot of value in the ecosystem working together instead of in silos. I’d love to keep seeing that trend in our space because the collective mindset will lead to the betterment of the industry and the app ecosystem from a consumer perspective.

Where do you think there’s an opportunity for apps / or unmet needs?

There are still many challenges and opportunities around measuring and optimizing marketing efforts in our industry – from scaling SKAdNetwork successfully to navigating Privacy Sandbox to building great MMM models, there’s a lot to be done!

If you weren’t working in apps what would you be doing?

Taking long walks with my dog and girlfriend. Digging into some of my favorite podcasts. Getting together with new and old friends over good food and drinks.

iOS or Android?


What app(s) have been most useful to you over the last year?

Spotify and Audible

What’s on your Spotify / Music party playlist?

Discover Weekly

Any Netflix/ TV show recommendations?


Is there anything else we should know about you?

I’m always open to discussing trends and happenings in the app industry so feel free to reach out on LinkedIn!

Do you know someone driving change and growth in the app industry? Nominate an app leader here.