Clash app that lets creators earn cash with their videos marks 3.5 millionth Drop shared

Anne Freer | February 24, 2022

App Business

Clash, the platform for short-form video creators and their fans, just announced a new milestone of 3.5 million drops being shared with Creators in three months. 

Drops are digital tips that empower fans to show their appreciation and support for creators. The can be redeemed by creators in exchange for payment. 

Some 3,500 creators have been earning drops on the platform with one of them cashing out $1.5k in just one month of using Clash. The average earning for creators who already have a substantial TikTok following was $204 per month. 

The findings show that fans are happy to support their favourite creators. 

“The initial reaction from Clash Creators and fans has been tremendous. The sheer number of drops that have been circulated alone is positive proof that fans are willing to support creators who are doing what they love, without the need for the creators to have millions of followers and over-produced content,” said Brendon McNerney, Co-Founder and CEO of Clash.

“Everyone is a Creator on Clash, and everyone can earn. It is so rewarding to see this idea and concept take flight and watch as people make money doing what they love. As a former Creator, all I aim to do is make other Creators’ lives easier, and this is a remarkable benchmark on our journey.”

The app which launched in October 2021, integrates features for FanMail that creators can use to send personalised messages and Subscriptions that allow them to receive recurring fan support.