Something tells me that among people who listen to this show there are some who do remember how a dial-up modem should sound like when you’re connecting to the Internet. These people witnessed the fight for dominance between the Internet Explorer browser from Microsoft and the one from the Mozilla Foundation.

Now, I’m not sure people are that familiar with terminology like Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0, let alone with Web3 Ads. But today we have Andre to introduce us to web3 advertising.

Today’s Topics Include:

  • the current state of the in-app advertising
  • what is web 3.0
  • what is web3 advertising
  • what's coming for web3 ads
  • What bugs Andre about the app industry

Links and Resources:

Quotes from Andre Kempe:

“On the mobile phone our behavior very often changes, we do the same things (as on a desktop), emails - what not but we start using games, we start using social media, we surf on Twitter to check what Elon does lately.”

“Web 1.o was when big media companies were showing us something, web 2. 0 enabled us basically starting to create content, become part of the Internet, start blogging, becoming an influencer, Web 3 is an enhancement of that - it enables creators to start monetizing and control licensing."

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