Alright, if you ever traveled somewhere by plane you’ve got a chance to hear this announcement “Boarding complete”. If you were lucky to buy a ticket on a cruise ship, that long process of staying in the queue and getting yourself and your stuff on the ship is called onboarding.

Where else do you have a chance to encounter this notion? Well - mobile apps! To explain what exactly do we mean by that we’ve got Marissa from the mobile growth consultancy Phiture. Mobile app onboarding is one of the must-have components of every app marketing strategy. Today, with a rare exception, brands need to think through the entire interaction experience their users have with the app, otherwise, mobile app churn will ruin that app project.

Today’s Topics Include:

  • With a background in graphic design and social media marketing, three years ago Marissa moved to the one and only Berlin to do e-commerce and B2B
  • What is onboarding
  • The best practices for mobile app onboarding
  • No-nos for app onboarding
  • The shortest and longest app onboarding
  • The key message to app marketers
  • What side of the Android & iOS duopoly Marissa is? iOS
  • What features would Marissa miss most leaving his smartphone at home? Google Maps
  • What’s missing from mobile app technology? More apps to tackle big challenges our civilization has been facing.

Links and Resources:

Quotes from Marissa Hsu:

"Onboarding is your users first impression. The purpose is to guide the user activation, which is essentially the user's experience of the value of the app for the first time.

I think just framing copy in terms of ways that it benefits the user, like not saying necessary look at this feature but saying this is how this feature can benefit you.

I'm more excited to see technology kind of blossoming in ways that add clear value to our lives. "

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