There are roughly 5 million mobile apps between iOS and Android (roughly speaking - the population of Norway) and of course, every single of those apps has its own purpose and they collectively help all of us work, study, improve our health, entertain ourselves, and more.

But as you know only a handful, compared with the total number, are really popular and welcomed. In marketing, there is such a notion as product-market fit, which indicates how well a certain product satisfies market demand.

What does it take to achieve a product-market fit for a mobile app? Today, I have Nathan to help us answer this question.

Today’s Topics Include:

  • Nathan's background in marketing
  • What is Perceptycs
  • Market-product fit definition
  • SPOKE app growth KPIs
  • Having a chance to redo the SPOKE app growth campaign, what Nathan would do differently
  • Takeaways
  • What Nathan would like to change about mobile marketing the most
  • Android or iOS?
  • Nathan's first mobile phone
  • Leaving his smartphone at home, what features would Nathan miss most?
  • What features Nathan would like to see added to his smartphone?

Links and Resources:

Quotes from Nathan Hudson:

“On one hand, I begin to think increasingly you can't have product-market fit if you are a company or an app that doesn't generate revenue. "

“On the flip side, if you think about apps like Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, TikTok, social media platforms, I doubt anyone would argue they don't have a product-market fit, they certainly do."

"So essentially a lot of people want growth but if you haven't got really strong foundation to build from then it's hard to grow anything."

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