The State of App Retargeting report: ATT introduction caused only 10% drop in bid requests

Partner Post - Remerge Growth Specialist for App Businesses

Posted: October 20, 2021

The ad tech industry was quick to write off retargeting last year, with mobile experts fearful that the rollout of Apple’s App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework would lead to the death of this ID-based tactic. The reality, however, has not been as drastic.

Retargeting campaigns continue to perform well on Android, while the amount of available ID inventory on iOS remains favorable for advertisers looking to re-engage users on Apple devices. The latest post-IDFA data from Remerge shows that more than 50% of the inventory on iOS still has an IDFA (source).

The number of bid requests before and after Apple’s release of ATT

Source: Remerge

In The state of app retargeting, Remerge evaluates why retargeting remains a viable option when growing an app audience in the privacy-first era and features insights from mobile marketing experts across North America, Asia, and Europe.

The report includes:

  • An overview of how the arrival of ATT has changed in-app retargeting 
  • A look at the benefits of running retargeting campaign in the post-IDFA era 
  • The latest ID and no-ID data trends 
  • Performance numbers for Remerge’s retargeting campaigns across Android and iOS
  • Insights from apps around the world: Gumi, Spoon Radio, Just Eat, Woowa Brothers, Renta!, Joom, Blind Ferret, Tutoring, Headlight, Etermax

Download the report