releases Apple Search Ads benchmarks dashboard

Partner Post - MobileAction Boost your app growth with competitor intelligence

Posted: September 1, 2021 has just released its Apple Search Ads benchmarks Dashboard. It provides  industry benchmarks to the community, including data about both category specific benchmarks as well as the industry averages. The dataset allows app marketers to compare their strategy to industry averages which can serve as reference points. This dashboard can also be used to conduct a market research as it provides an overview of the competition in specific categories or regions.


As an Apple’s Search Ads Partner, provides a complete campaign management experience with advanced market insights and automation tools. App marketers can enhance the effectiveness and profitability of their Apple Search Ads campaigns through

Data Set

The dashboard contains data from apps connected to In the first half of 2021, these apps generated nearly 1 billion impressions, 75 million taps and 46 million downloads. The database contains benchmarks from 26 different app categories in 60 different regions.

In the dashboard, users can filter results by a date range and region. Once the filter is applied, the industry averages for the chosen data interval and region are displayed in return, along with an overview of the data that was collected.

Users can view results by category for the main metrics of Apple Search Ads. Category averages for Conversion Rates, Tap-Through Rates, Cost-Per Tap and Cost-Per Acquisition are available for visitors. The dashboard also allows users to export the data for a further analysis.

Using the data, app marketers can easily compare their strategy against others. aims to increase the cumulative knowledge about the performance metrics of Apple Search Ads while also allowing for more effective advertising campaigns.

Check out the dashboard for yourself.

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