Apple launches custom offer codes for in-app subscriptions

Anne Freer | January 26, 2022

App Business

In 2020, Apple launched special discount codes for developers to boost in-app subscriptions.

Now, the App Store operator has rolled out custom offer codes for in-app subscriptions. 

The feature lets Apple developers create unique discount codes to share with customers for better-value subscriptions to their apps or in-app offers. 

This will make it significantly easier to reach new and existing subscribers or entice those who recently left to return.

Previously, discount codes were randomly generated and could only be used once. It meant that developers also had to generate separate codes for individuals. 

One-time codes will still be available in addition to custom codes. 

Developers looking to find out how to create a custom offer code can check out Apple’s detailed explainer. 

Each app can offer up to 150,000 codes per quarter which are redeemed manually or via URL direct.

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