App Growth Awards 2023 Entries Closing This Week

Partner Post - App Promotion Summit Discover the future of app growth

Posted: September 27, 2023

We wanted to give you a friendly nudge – the App Growth Awards 2023 entries are about to close THIS FRIDAY.

Why should you jump in ASAP?

1. Zero Cost: Entering the awards won’t cost you a dime. It’s a golden opportunity without breaking the bank.

2. Easy Peasy: We promise it’s a breeze. Just answer 5 quick questions, and you’re in the running.

3. Shine Bright: Winning an award is like a spotlight on your company. Get ready for some well-deserved recognition.

4. Stay Ahead: Your competition is already in the game. Don’t let them steal the spotlight.

We’ve got submissions pouring in from all over the world – publishers, developers, platforms, agencies – and your company should be on that list.

Quick reminder of the categories:

– App Advertising Platform
– App Analytics Platform
– App Data Platform
– App Engagement Platform
– App Messaging Platform
– App Revenue Platform
– MMP of the Year
– ASO Company
– User Acquisition Company
– App Marketing Agency of the Year
– App Growth Innovation
– App Marketer of the Year
– Fastest Growing App
– Growth Team of the Year
– App Marketing Campaign of the Year

No entry, no shot at winning. Take a few minutes this week to send in your entry at zero cost and start prepping that victory speech.

Got questions or need a hand? Just hit us up with a reply, and we’ll sort you out.

Don’t wait – this is your last chance to be a part of the App Growth Awards 2023.

Get connected with the best app marketing, engagement, UA, analytics and revenue platforms & services