This article was first published on Propellerads blog.
Have you ever browsed the web on an empty stomach just to come across an alluring fast-food ad that says you can call and make an order with one simple click? That, my friends, is a Click2Call ad.
Click2Call user flow is classics in such industries as medical and legal services, but we aim to show how Click2Call works in traditional affiliate verticals.
Below, we’ll go over Click2Call and Click2SMS offers, plus we’ll provide some examples from CPA-network Zeydoo.
Defining Click2Call and Click2SMS Offers
Click2Call and Click2SMS offers are very similar in the sense that they require users to take additional actions besides just clicking on the ad. That said, these two types of CPA offers are fundamentally different in the sense that one requires a call and the other one a text message.
As the name suggests, Click2Call offers feature conversion flows where affiliates get paid for generating phone calls.
In some cases, affiliates also receive payment based on the duration of the call, so the longer users stay on, the more money you generate. Also known as click-to-call, click-to-dial, pay-per-call, and webcall, this type of offer requires specific creatives that promote a call rather than anything else.
An example of a Click2Call offer
Source: Zeydoo
Similar to webcall offers, Click2SMS has flows where affiliates need to generate text messages. In most cases, the message is a subscription to SMS service or paid chat that consumers get charged for.
Verticals that provide Click2Call and Click2SMS offers
While it’s suitable for almost all online and offline verticals like insurance, home improvement, medical services, legal advice; Click2Call flow also performs great with Tier-3 and Tier-2 traffic in the following verticals:
- Dating
- Finance
- Horoscopes, especially in the UK
- Sweepstakes
- Nutra, specifically weight loss and anti-smoking aids
Types of Click2Call offers
Generally-speaking there are two types of Click2Call offers, one specifically for calls and the other for the duration of the call itself. Offers that only require a phone call, pay a set amount as soon as the call is generated. If you opt for an offer that focuses on duration, the price for each conversion varies depending on how long the user remains online.
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Learn moreThe average payout for these offers varies tremendously, but it’s usually somewhere between $0.04 and $3 a pop.
Quick Tip: The best way to start is testing a CPA mode (the fact of call) rather than revshare when you are paid for the duration of a call, and then check with an advertiser what’s more profitable for you.
Creative Elements
Affiliates need to keep in mind the user flow for these offers, which goes like this:
Push Ad -> Landing Page -> Mini-Game or Survey with Call-Related CTA -> User Call or Send Text Message -> Affiliate Receives Payment
Despite the fact that regular landing pages can provide solid results, setting up interactive landers can yield more phone calls and text messages. The most common elements are surveys and mini-games, with a CTA that says something like “Call Now” or “Talk to Her Today.”
A mini-game ad example
A “Talk to her today” ad example
Our recommendation is to one of those ad formats: use popunders for maximum creative space or push notifications to give the ads a personal touch.
How to Make a Good Push Creative for Click2Call & Click2SMS
Ad Copy
Push notifications are ideal for Click2Call ads because they can feature messages like:
- I Need to Talk to You, Call Me!
- Call Me Now So We Can Meet
- I Have to Tell You Something About Your Future. Talk to Me
Additionally, your notifications should also incite an action, so use phrases like “Pick Your Sign and Get Your Horoscope for 2020”. Additionally, reinforce the idea that the person on the other side of the line is a knowledgeable expert with ad copy like “Money-Saving Tips from a Seasoned Financial Professional”.
As for Push Notifications, we recommend using images of phones or message alerts for Push icons. For banner images, the best choice would be eye-catchy photos relevant to the subject of your message. Dating – women, horoscopes – fortune tellers, weight loss – nutrition experts, and before/after pictures.
Pros and Cons of Click2Call and Click2SMS Campaigns
Although these offers can provide stellar results, it’s worth noting that they still have their pros and cons.
The pros include:
- It’s a new flow, so consumers are not used to it yet
- This type of CPA offers have good payouts because they are not mainstream popular yet
- Usually, advertisers have experienced call center specialists who know how to keep the client for as long as possible
- If you implement a good optimization protocol, you can generate significant profits
- You can run these offers with both WiFi and Mobile carrier traffic, as long as a user has a sim-card inserted in his phone.
As for the cons, these include:
- The duration of the call or chat is almost unpredictable, which makes projecting your earnings hard. However, the majority of advertisers have agreements with all the carriers in the region. They try to optimize and maximize the CR, and carrier coverage is something that an advertiser is constantly working on and improving.
- Optimization is a must
- The quality of their network connection can be a real issue: even if the user is perfect and intends to talk, unexpected connection troubles can spoil your plans
- Due to connection issues, you might have to search for exotic GEO + Network provider combinations, which mean less traffic (Not in Propeller, by the way)
🌍 Best Locations for This Type of Offers
According to our research, some of the best countries and regions for Click2Call and Click2SMS include:
- Dating: Uruguay, Jamaica, Maldives, and Liberia
- Sweepstakes: Colombia, Jamaica, Angola, and Syria
- Horoscopes: Great Britain
- Finance: Romania, Hungary (We see high CTRs in Finance, near 2%
Click2Call and Click2SMS offers have great potential, but affiliates that take them on have to make the right changes and focus on optimizing their campaigns properly.