Twitter tests Shop button

Anne Freer | March 8, 2021

App Business

Twitter is testing a new Shop button that would allow users to purchase products directly from a tweet.

As multiple social media companies have been jumping on the eCommerce bandwagon during COVID lockdowns, Twitter has been rather slow to follow.

But now the company seems to be ready to launch its own shopping tools.

The Shop butting includes information such as pricing, an image of the product and more information.

When a user clicks the Shop button, they are taken to a product page by the brand or retailer.

Twitter is currently testing multiple commerce features and said it was also focusing on better performance advertising for retailers.

The company wrote:

“We know people come to Twitter to interact with brands and discuss their favorite products. In fact, you may have even noticed some businesses already developing creative ways to enable sales on our platform. This demand gives us confidence in the power of combining real-time conversation with an engaged and intentional audience. Imagine easily discovering, and quickly purchasing a new skincare product or trendy sneaker from a brand you follow with only a few clicks.”