MyAppFree’s new app connects advertisers with untapped crypto audiences

Partner Post - myAppFree High Quality Mobile Traffic & Exclusive Placements on SONY Xperia, Native SDK

Posted: November 11, 2021


MyAppFree has embarked not only on the road to becoming a global ad partner with an exclusive reach of users for its mobile advertisers but also the company has been heavily doubling down on creating its app publisher brand presence.

In the hindsight, MyAppFree started its journey as an app turning into an ad-network leveraging its audiences, and exclusive partnerships e.g. Sony Mobile. However, in this day and age, the winners are the ones that own first-party data and community to provide exclusivity to advertisers, something they wouldn’t be able to get ahold of by working with the biggest ad-exchanges, and social media platforms.

With that in mind, the company is proactively investing its efforts and resources into its app development and publishing studio to roll out a portfolio of apps of different categories. By that, the Italian team wants to provide unique inventory access to its mobile advertisers and help them acquire only the users they need based on the app categories.

At this point, MyAppFree has released an app named BitWhales – Cryptocurrencies tracker to expand its fintech & crypto community, and aid app brands looking to acquire Crypto first-party audiences. The Crypto-data aggregator has already seen an intensive surge in downloads, and the MyAppFree team will keep on consolidating its Crypto presence.