Food Delivery App Revenue and Usage Statistics (2024)

The food delivery market has seen significant growth over the past decade. Led by platform-to-consumer services, such as DoorDash and Uber Eats, food delivery has expanded from takeaways to anything and everything, with groceries, tools and other products available in under an hour. In the beginning, there were aggregators such as Just Eat and Grubhub, which operated more as a middle-man for hungry people ordering takeaway. Couldn’t decide what to order? These services provided a long-list of takeaways available in your area, and the takeaway would be responsible for delivery. In the mid-2010s, the platform-to-consumer apps first launched. The key difference between the two was the delivery, with Uber Eats and DoorDash hiring workers to pick up the food from takeaway and restaurants and delivering it. … Continue reading Food Delivery App Revenue and Usage Statistics (2024)